Sunday, October 13, 2013

[Vid] Songs that made me love them!!!

As I'd mentioned in previous post, some groups really made me want to know them more and becoming their hardcore fan..hee~ In this post, I want to share the MV of hot groups that already captured my heart..^^

1)EXO(Growl) - Actually, I'd already became their fan since their debut but their current Daebak songs in XOXO really made me going crazy over them..kyaaa~

2) VIXX(Hyde) - I started to love this group when they promoting their song "On and On" but "Hyde" made me officially their Starlight..Their current song called G.R.8.U are cute (the good side I guess-Jekyll)

3) C-Clown(Shaking Heart)- My heart shaking after listening to this song...>o<

4) BTS(Bangtan Boys) - N.O

Cr: Youtube

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